لنكن سعداء

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قسم الصحة النفسية - لنكن سعداء
الفحل 11:06 AM 15-06-2014

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

لا تكن مبذرا للأموال والنعم التي تحيطك وإن كنت غنيا. قد تعتقد أنه بشرائك ما تريد وقتما تريد قد تجلب لنفسك السعادة وتنفق أموالك ونعمك على أمور غير ضرورية قد لا تجلب لك ولعائلتك أي قيمة. كن مقتصدا في التعامل مع الأموال وأنفقها في وجوه الخير، واعلم أنك مهما أنفقت من مال لن تشتري السعادة فالسعادة مكنونة في قلبك أنت من تصنعها بلا مقابل نقدي.

الفحل 08:29 PM 16-06-2014

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

أحط نفسك بالألوان البهيجة وخاصة اللونين الأزرق والأخضر، لما لذلك من تأثيرات إيجابية. فاللون الأزرق كالجلوس أمام البحر أو النظر إلى السماء يساعد على تحسين المزاج، بالإضافة إلى اللون الأخضر كالنظر للنباتات الخضراء يعطيك شعورا بالسعادة، كما يمكنك طلاء بيتك بألوان فاتحة بهية تجلب السعادة والهدوء.

الفحل 01:05 PM 17-06-2014

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

إن التفكير المفرط بخطط المستقبل وما سيحدث فيه أو التفكير المفرط فيما حدث بالماضي وما كان في الماضي من أخطاء اقترفتها وزلات ندمت على فعلها قد يبعد السعادة عن حياتك، احرص على أن تعيش لحظة الحاضر لتحس بطعمها وتستغل السعادة التي فيها لمواجهة ما ينتظرك في المستقبل ونسيان ما كان في الماضي.

الفحل 02:02 PM 20-06-2014

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

غيّر نظرتك عن الأشياء السلبية والمشكلات والعقبات التي تتواجد في محيطك، فالنظر للجزء الفارغ دوما من كوب الماء لن يروي عطشك بإيجاد حل والتخلص من الحالة النفسية السيئة التي تعتريك، جرب أن تزيح نظرك عن تلك الزاوية المتشائمة إلى زوايا أخرى أكثر إيجابية. انظر إلى الجزء المليء من الكوب وإن كان قليلا إلا أنك ستجد السعادة فيه والحل المناسب لمشكلاتك.

اكتب رسائل إيجابية على قصاصات من الورق وضعها في المنزل وعلى مكتبك في العمل، وعلى الثلاجة وفي غرفة نومك، قد يبدو هذا الأمر بسيطا للغاية، إلا أن هذه الرسائل والكلمات الإيجابية التي تنثرها هنا وهناك تشعرك بالسعادة في أحلك أوقاتك، وقد تشمل هذه الرسائل كلمات إيجابية مثل: "أنا أستطيع"، "أنا جميل" ، "ابتسم" وغير من العبارات المُفرِحة.

الفحل 01:23 PM 27-06-2014

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الفحل 04:59 PM 31-07-2014

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Don't over-blame yourself because circumstances, bad luck or what others did may have contributed to a difficult or unhappy situation. Just take fair responsibility for the thing you have done or not done that contributed to the difficult situation.

Take Breaks Everyone has a different threshold for how long their focus lasts. This time also varies from task to task.

A smile is a way of writing your thoughts on your face, telling others that they are accepted, liked and appreciated. So here's a big smile just for you. Good morning!

Challenge yourself. Learn a new skill or take on a challenge to meet a goal. You could take on something different at work; commit to a fitness goal or learn to cook a new recipe. Learning improves your mental fitness, while striving to meet your own goals builds skills and confidence and gives you a sense of progress and achievement.

Focus on solutions, not on problems. If you find yourself obsessing about a problem, feeling negative, or experiencing self-doubt, change your focus by asking: What's one thing I could do differently that might make this situation better? Replacing problem-focused thinking with solution-focused thinking immediately gives you a sense of forward movement, possibility, and hope the foundations of optimism.

Pessimism is impractical because it causes you to spend time dwelling on negative things that haven't happened yet, while simultaneously preventing you from getting things done now. Pessimism breeds indecision. It's a waste of time, and time is a limited resource that you can't afford to take for granted.

Flaxseed Falafel Sandwich. This wrap combines delicious Middle Eastern flavors, vitamin B6, and omega-3 fatty acids to create a delicious, bad mood-blasting meal.

Try, if you can, to take a walk to school or work. Getting outdoors and using your muscles is a great way to start your day healthy.

30seconds might be enough time for you to turn from stressed to relaxed. Think positive and start picturing something that generates positive thinking, such as an image of your husband, child or any happy memory. This technique will help relax your tensed muscles, reduce your breathing rate and draw a smile on your face.

الفحل 07:57 PM 01-08-2014

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

When something goes wrong try to figure out a solution instead of wallowing in self pity. truly happy people don't allow set backs to affect their mood because they know that with a little thought they can turn the circumstances back to their favor.

stress increases belly fat: a study conducted by American and Australian researchers, found that stress causes weight gain, especially in the abdominal area, whether a person is obese or slim.

How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.

The antioxidants and other phytochemicals in blueberries have been linked to improvements in learning, thinking and memory, along with reductions in neurodegenerative oxidative stress, they’re also relatively low in fructose compared to other fruits, making them one of the healthier fruits available .

Life is mainly good, but now and then everyone has a difficult or unhappy time. That’s a normal part of time.

Learn about good nutrition and practice it. The subject of nutrition is complicated and not always easy to put into practice. But the more you learn about what you eat and how it affects your energy and mood, the better you can feel.

There is many optimistic quotes, which you can learn from it. One of these quotes it’s from Steve Jobs when he said: “I am an optimist in the sense that I believe humans are noble and honorable, and some of them are really smart. I have a very optimistic view of individuals”.

The best foods to improve mood is: chocolate, a spinach salad, peanut butter, green tea and low fat milk.

When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive—to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love—then make that day count!” Steve Maraboli

Spend time daily, face-to-face, with people you like. Make spending time with people you enjoy a priority. Choose friends, neighbors, colleagues, and family members who are upbeat, positive, and interested in you. Take time to inquire about people you meet during the day that you like.

Everyone gets scared or nervous at times but not always about the same things. Facing your fears helps you to grow stronger. Talk to someone you trust, use your strengths and work out how limitations can be worked through so you can achieve goals.

Do a repetitive physical task repetitive physical activity like scales for musicians, knitting, whittling, or throwing darts demand focus and can help shut down the internal monologue.

The secret of being truly happy is accepting where you are in life and making the most out of everyday. Go on, be happy!

Take control of your environment- If the evening news makes you anxious, turn the TV off. If traffic’s got you tense, take a longer but less-traveled route.

الفحل 01:39 PM 02-08-2014

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Happiness is the delicate balance between what one is and what one has. Balance it and be happy. Good day!

Unhealthy ways of coping with stress these coping strategies may temporarily reduce stress, but they cause more damage in the long run:
- Smoking
- Overeating or undereating
- Withdrawing from friends, family, and activities
- Taking out your stress on others (lashing out, angry outbursts, physical violence)

Avoid personal problems when a problem arises, it is the unhappy people who tend to ignore it. This is an awful way to handle situations as the longer you let a problem linger, the greater it will become. You need to tackle issues head on and as soon as possible in hopes of rectifying the circumstances.

Take a break a change of scene or a change of pace is good for your mental health. It could be a five minute pause from cleaning your kitchen, a half-hour lunch break at work or a weekend exploring somewhere new. A few minutes can be enough to de-stress you.

Drink instant energy. Drinking a big glass of water as soon as you get up is a good way to replenish the fluid your body loses overnight, and it provides instant energy. "Everything that happens in your body requires water."Without enough of it, your systems have to work harder in every respect which can cause fatigue."

Challenge yourself. Learn a new skill or take on a challenge to meet a goal. You could take on something different at work; commit to a fitness goal or learn to cook a new recipe. Learning improves your mental fitness, while striving to meet your own goals builds skills and confidence and gives you a sense of progress and achievement.

"when you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive—to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love—then make that day count!" Steve [SUB]Marboli[/SUB]

Spend daily, face-to-face, with people you like. Make spending time with people you enjoy a priority. Choose friends, neighbors, colleagues, and family members who are upbeat, positive, and interested in you.
Take time to inquire about people you meet during the day that you like.

في عالمنا اليوم، يعتبر السحر والحسد والمس وسحر تحقير شأن الإنسان من المواضيع التي تثير فضول الكثيرين. ويعتبر البعض أن هذه الظواهر والامراض تحمل في طياتها آثارا سلبية تؤثر على حياة الأفراد والصحة الجسدية والنفسية. هناك العديد من الطرق والتقاليد التي تعنى بعلاج هذه الامراض، سواء كانت عبر الطب الروحاني، أو الطب البديل، أو الطب النفسي. يمكن العثور على بعض النصائح والطرق الفعالة في التخلص من تأثيرات هذه الامراض عبر زيارة مواقع إلكترونية متخصصة، مثل:

1- علاج السحر: تفصيل حول الطرق التقليدية والروحانية لعلاج تأثيرات السحر.
2- علاج الحسد: نصائح وأساليب للوقاية من الحسد وكيفية علاجه والتعامل معه.
3- علاج المس: استعراض للطرق التي يمكن أن تساعد في التخلص من تأثيرات الشياطين والمس الشيطاني.
4- علاج سحر تحقير شأن الإنسان: نصائح حول كيفية التغلب على تأثيرات وعلاج سحر التحقير الذي يستهدف شأن الإنسان.
5- أخطر أنواع السحر: استعراض لأنواع السحر الأكثر خطورة وكيفية التصدي لها.

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